Monthly Archives: January 2013

Happy New Now!

Three weeks into the new year – the promise of New meets moderate to heavy Overwhelm. Gather, gather, gather – been collecting, processing Intel, to make sense of recent Missions. But the New gets lost amid the harvest, and if there is no action, more Overwhelm. Was it just the turn of a page, a smartphone screen swipe or is it really a new beginning? So we’ll have to sneak up and call it the New Now, try to figure out how to break some old patterns of familiarity of not feeling safe. Time to install a new thermostat, for where we have settled into comfortable is not comfortable, just familiar and predictably unpredictable. Life as a Secret Agent, entails a lot of watching, analyzing so now it’s time to find a new set point. Pull up the CoCo Courage to create one that is comfortable Now – and New.

How’s your Mission progressing?

Happy New Year!

I usually do not make resolutions for I live by the credo of what you say equals what you do (WYS=WYD) but writing this blog has certainly not been happening. Therefore, I resolve to post at least once per week a new entry.

In 2012, I entered a new arena of Western medicine and healthcare. Not even with my Secret Agent/Super Hero could I infiltrate, get ahead of or behind this complicated system. By the time you know what you need to know, it is too late. The stress on friends and the vulnerability of it all is very overwhelming but, true to our Secret Agent Mission of navigating life in Truth & Style, we search for the meaning, knowing there has to be a purpose. We now will share Secret Agent info, not so much medically, but the courage to see the repetition of life-long lessons and how to advocate for ourselves and others who cannot.